Project detail

  • Supported victims of human trafficking in Vietnam by providing staff, transportation costs, and rent for emergency shelters where victims can start rebuilding their lives

  • Sponsored 42 children to go to school in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia and India

  • Facilitated the roll out of mentoring programs for school children in South Africa

  • Assisted 99 women coffee farmers in Rwanda to go through a life changing skills development and life training course enabling them to run their own businesses

  • Covered the costs of operating a vocational training centre in Tanzania, which provides 30 women with technical and life skills so they can find work and support themselves and their families

  • Invested in the development of 30 acres of farmland to assist a school in Northern Uganda to feed their students and bring an income into the organisation

  • Fitted out a birthing unit in Myanmar to provide life-saving care to 3,000 pregnant women

  • Supported teacher training initiatives in Cambodia to increase the quality of education being delivered

  • Provided 300 birthing kits for rural women in Uganda

  • Supported local Early Childhood Development Centres in South Africa to improve the quality of their education and get them to a place where they are self-sufficient

  • Facilitated 100 hip replacements for critically disabled people in Ethiopia

  • Supported the development of a new school in the Pacific islands to improve the quality of education being delivered

  • Supported the humanitarian relief efforts in Turkey/Syria and Ukraine

  • In addition to the above, we have changed individual lives through: Providing a prosthetic eye for a child in Uganda, given bras and sanitary pad to teenage girls, provided a solar power fridge and freezer for a severely disabled child in rural Uganda with dietary complications.

We have completed hundreds of projects since 2002, some of these are below:

  • Provided education support and home rebuilding for the pygmy in Congo

  • Provided university scholarships for refugees in Australia

  • Built a wheelchair factory social enterprise in Bangladesh

  • Supported community development projects in Cambodia to improve education outcomes

  • Facilitated human rights advocacy for Cambodian villages suffering from forced eviction

  • Provided education and life skills support to teenage girls in Nepal

  • Supported anti-child exploitation work in Indonesia

  • Established fish farming operations on the lakes of Haiti to generate income for families to send their children to school.